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Welcome to SuperBlog TM | Broadcast Your Unique Sales Messages

Social Media Marketing + Blogging + Community


We have integrated  the people, processes and tools and put them at your fingertips so you can  craft and broadcast your unique sales proposition in multiple media types on different devices to many social media outlets.

Grasp and navigate Internet marketing components like never before to build your brand and get qualified leads while becoming a visible authority in your market.

The Internet world is always changing and expanding. To meet this challenge, we have created a communications vehicle that transforms your website into a personal broadcasting hub.


What we Do

Stand Out from the Pack

REAL Customer Value Proposition is communicating what you do differently to make prospects eager to  buy from you.  Share your insights on how you create value for your customers. We will help you identify and communicate your value proposition to attract qualified prospects.




Social Media Integration

Post once and your message is amplified to many powerful social media accounts: Facebook,  Twitter, Google+,  Pinterest,  LinkedIn, Tumblr, Blogger, Diigo, Delicious, Blog.com, Livejournal/DreamWidth, Plurk, Reddit, Stumbleupon, Scoop.It, vBulletin forums.

Silo Architecture

Leverage one of the most advanced SEO concepts: Website Silo Architecture. Silo Architecture is a little known and seldom implemented site-building method that allows you to rank higher  while using up to 90% fewer inbound links than your competition.

Ongoing Education

Join our virtual local blueprint round-table discussions and The 5 minute ROI Review conference calls to learn how new technologies will benefit your business.

Become the “Go-to” person in your market

In only 15 minutes a day,  you can create high impact content with our integrated curation tool. This is the best  ‘stepping stone’ to establish thought leadership. Creating relevant, engaging content on a regular basis gives you a voice of authority and a powerful presence.

Blogging + Social Media + Sharing = Commerce

Increase your social presence with comments, likes and shares from your community members.


Superblog™ Value To You

  • Save time - auto post your content to social media accounts
  • Broadcast your unique selling proposition
  • Optimize your social media accounts and content
  • Increase your visibility with social engagement
  • Visually build your brand
  • Strategy + intelligent content marketing
  • Silo architecture and blueprints
  • Portable – your Superblog™ can go with you
  • Benefit from other’s experience
  • Leverage best of breed marketing components